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Hey, online business owners!!

We’re on a mission to gather together the next generation of online business owners because we’ve something incredible coming up and we’ve got YOU in mind…


The big question here is… do you get THE FEAR????



You pour blood, sweat and tears into creating content only to hear crickets.


You follow every tip and piece of advice you’ve heard from the “gurus” about showing up -
being visible - being consistent - posting X number of times a day - writing in THIS way -
using THIS template - doing this to beat the algorithm…

but you don’t feel it’s working!


You’re tired after wrangling the kids to bed, sorting out a pile of washing, done packed lunches,
swept the floor with a broom up your arse, it’s 9pm and then horror strikes your
heart because you haven’t scheduled a post for the next day -


You start comparing yourself to the business owner next to you, (even though you know you shouldn’t)
who sells the same stuff as you and has way more people in her Facebook group
(and actually looks like she has her shit together!!)


You’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed and burnt out and start resenting your
business because you feel this NEED to be on social media constantly!




You have the social media FEAR my friend!! And believe us, we’ve had it too!

There are times when social media has literally made us want to throw the computer out of the window.

It can be one of the most lucrative ways to do business.

But it can also be one of the most frustrating things about business.


We want to change all that. You see writing at its very core should be fun.

It’s a creative outlet It’s a way of pulling out the genius ideas and information that exist in your subconscious.

It’s a way of gaining awareness of your reality. It’s a way of connecting with other people.

And when you show up on social media, you should enjoy it, you should be the REAL you.

We’re not here to tell you what you should or shouldn’t be doing on social media.


We’re here to help change your mindset, arm you with useful tools and provide you with strategies
and templates that fit YOUR business and reflect YOU as a business owner. To give you the confidence to
show up on your socials in a way that suits you
, write what makes you happy and be self-assured that you're
doing yourself and your business the justice it deserves.


So, let’s just start writing!!

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Conquer your confidence with social media, to transform your writing and change lives.

Transform the way you feel about social media and write in a way that feels aligned with the way you want to do business. Shine with confidence, consistency and credibility, to have a meaningful impact on your online community and change people’s lives with the work that you love.

Meet Your Confidence Connoisseurs

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We met a couple of years back at a networking event and there was immediate chemistry.

We were both mums building a business from scratch. We’d both been made redundant. Both of us had struggled with our confidence personally and professionally. But we had this intense passion to make a difference in the lives of the people we worked with. And we both love a glass of vino (or 3!!) Our businesses intertwined so beautifully together, complementing one another and providing our clients with a fucking powerhouse of strength and knowledge when we pooled our talents. We’d worked together on various projects before but something was missing…

Blue Water

We’re both quite opinionated women. And the online world was starting to piss us off.

We know (from experience) that you start your business with passion and zest.

You want to go out there and make an impact on other people’s lives, help them and make their lives easier or more fun or more meaningful. But when you’re self-employed and have to deal with admin, finances and marketing, not to mention running a house, being a parent, and juggling a bazillion things - it’s enough to send you bonkers.


Then add the stress that is social media on top of that.


Well, it’s a wonder we’re not all in the looney bin!


We’re bombarded with ads and posts and strategies from “experts” that tell us constantly
what we NEED to do on social media to be successful. And quite frankly we’ve had enough of it.

We wanted to create a space that provided knowledge if people felt they needed it, but mainly
to encourage you to be yourself on social media.


No filters (because you feel you have to look a certain way)


No crappy copy-and-paste templates (because they're not designed for your
business and your personality)

No set structures about having to post certain amounts every day (because if you truly connect
with your peeps - then they’ll be in your space regardless of how many times you post)


So, we decided to create a masterclass on social media that was all about YOU.


To plan, create and schedule posts that are aligned with your business, with your ethics
and values, that reflect your way of working and that are… authentically you.


By working in this way it would create true confidence and conviction in everything you
do on social media, so you’d never get stressed or overwhelmed or burnt out
from it again. 

Amy Downes

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The Content Planning Wizard is committed to showing service-led, women in business how to wave a magic wand over their social media by making content planning less time-consuming and less stressful so they can spend more time focusing on the parts of their work they enjoy and have fun with the people they love.


With a background in journalism, marketing and PR, Amy became a freelance social media manager after being made redundant while pregnant with her eldest son. Then in 2020, she put all her experience, skills and passion into her own business, creating successful content strategies that ensure small businesses can watch their audience grow, their audience, their engagement increase and all the effort they put into posting online become worthwhile!


Her mission is to pass on the confidence and excitement she feels when creating content for her own business, by showing others that social media doesn't have to be a scary place, especially when you have a clear plan on how to get the best out of it!

Fiona Green

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Owner of The Creative Copywriter, an agency that provides entrepreneurs with high-class copy so they can connect with their target audience and convert them into clients. She specialises in web copy, funnels and launches. With numerous high-powered clients on her books, Fiona’s style of brand, person-centred copywriting ensures her client’s copy has high click-through rates and top-notch conversions. Her background in art curation means she’s an expert at crafting narratives that inspire and engage people from all different backgrounds through a range of different mediums. When she’s not writing her client’s copy,


Fiona’s mission is to teach entrepreneurs life-long copywriting skills so they can feel confident and empowered when writing for their own businesses.

Get the confidence!

Are you ready to Conquer Your Confidence??


We are so bloody excited to bring you a masterclass with our
combined expertise and superpowers…

Conquer Your Confidence: Transform your Writing and Change




3 hours of training, knowledge-sharing, confidence building and
action-taking in
teractive activities in one jam-packed session to
master social media in the way YOU want to.


This training is not exclusive but due to its interactive
‘get shit done’ elements, there are only 20 spaces available.

Image by Chris Montgomery
Get the Confidence
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I’ve just come off the most AMAZING ‘Copy Club’ session with Fiona Green from The Creative Copywriter…

If you’re a female business owner and struggle to write stuff, or even if you don’t think you struggle…I promise she’ll literally sparkle up anything you write. She doesn’t mess about, so be prepared for some truthful feedback (exactly what you need!)

Tara Brevitt, Leadership Coach

Why you need this masterclass

We want you to make a difference.

To your life.

To your ideal client's life.

To the lives of people in your online community.

The masterclass runs over 3 hours combining interactive sessions of training,
planning and mindset work on writing.


1x hour training with Amy to create your personalised planning template with
her 5 magic ingredients designed to give you complete assurance that what your
doing is RIGHT for your business but helps you feel organised and prepared in
the way that suits you.


1x hour training with Fiona to create template posts that will engage and connect

with your ideal client. No copy-and-paste crap - templates that are designed to

suit you and your business that you can use going forward every time you sell!


1x hour interactive session to do some work!


The secret ingredient we’ve found over our combined years in business together

is that accountability is key!


When you come away from this masterclass there won’t be notes sitting in
your notebook.


You’ll have stepped up and done the work supported by two professionals so
you have
complete confidence and conviction that what you’re doing on social
media is right
for your business AND it will still bring you the clients/customers
you want to work with.


Because when you're genuine about the passion for the work you do - it shows.


And we’ll help you get there.

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Extra Bonus Benefits!

When you sign up for the Conquer Your Confidence Masterclass get
these bonus benefits
totally FREE.

These brilliant resources will give you even more confidence
to help you in your social media planning and writing.


*Content Planning Spellbook and Year in Review Sheet.
A content planning workbook filled
out with important things to remember and space
to fill in your content over a year. The Year in Review sheet will

help you to look back at past content, analyse it and create a

new strategy for the year ahead. (Worth £17)


*Writing for Social Media Tips and Checklist.

An in-depth eBook outlining copy and
content suggestions and strategies for writing social media posts plus a

checklist so you can cross-reference your posts giving you FULL confidence

in every post you write! (Worth £17)

Sign up for the Conquer Your Confidence Masterclass BEFORE midnight
on Sunday 29th January and get it at a deliciously discounted rate…
Get your confidence today for ONLY £67!



Epic Value Reminder
For just £67 you are getting…

  1 hour of in-depth content planning (worth £150 if you privately
booked Amy).

1 hour of detailed copywriting training specifically for social media
sales posts (worth £111 if you booked Fiona privately).

1 hour interactive session to get your posts planned and your very
own templates written that are specific to YOUR business

Chance to pick the expert’s brains and ask them any questions that
get your confidence down


Content Planning Spellbook and Year in Review Sheet (worth £17).

Writing for Social Media Strategy and Checklist eBook (worth £17).

The masterclass is recorded so you can watch it back or catch up
if you ca
n’t make it.

All this for JUST £67!!
We don’t want to see you guys struggle anymore. So, do us all a favour and…




Who is the masterclass for?

Anyone in business who uses social media and wants to feel more confident and comfortable with what they’re sharing and posting online. If you struggle with getting organised, what to write and how to plan or stress about what all the gurus say you SHOULD be doing– then we got your back!


When is the seminar?

Monday 20th February 2023


How long is the seminar?

The seminar will start at 10:00 and finish at 13:00. There will be 2 training sessions plus time an hour interactive session to help you create a plan and templates that are right for your business.


What if I can’t attend the whole masterclass?

The whole thing is recorded, so if you can't make it on the day or can't take part in the whole masterclass then you can come back to the material at any time.


What if I want to book on but you're fully booked?

If you miss the opportunity this time then please let us know and if other people wanted to join too, then we will look at running the seminar again. Our recommendation is to book quickly though!!


What makes this different from any other social media training?

Other training, challenges or workshops focus on one area of social media and are very regimented in what you should or shouldn’t be doing. This masterclass is an immersive and interactive experience where you can learn pointers from the experts but it’s about creating a plan that suits you and your business. It’s about writing in a way that suits you and your business so you’ll feel much more confident, comfortable and happy about what you are sharing and posting on social media.

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